Trauma Therapy and Consultation Services

Opening Hours : Monday to Thursday - 10am to 4pm
  Contact : 3162028549

Now Offering Adjunct EMDR Therapy

Collaborating for Healing

If you have been in traditional therapy but feel your progress has halted, Adjunct EMDR Therapy might be an option to help move treatment forward.  This type of therapy can can help with issues that are blocking therapy progress such as:

  • Single incident trauma
  • Simple phobia
  • An Intrusive memory
  • A blocking belief

The Process

I partner with you and your primary therapist on the identification of a specific memory, issue, or limiting belief that is keeping the treatment from moving forward. By narrowly targeting specific traumatic memories or intrusive material, brief Adjunct EMDR Therapy can accelerate progress in traditional therapy.

Adjunct EMDR therapy does not replace or interrupt ongoing therapy –it is a brief supplement to the primary therapeutic relationship. With Adjunct EMDR therapy, you are able to continue to receive treatment with your primary therapist.

Adjunct EMDR Therapy is scheduled in an intensive format and is considered a short-term form of therapy.  Sessions are offered in 3-hour formats for approximately 4 to 6 sessions.

Who is a good candidate?

  • Adults who have a good working relationship with their therapist
  • The primary therapist is willing to actively collaborate
  • No active substance abuse, self-injury, or safety risks including unstable living conditions
  • Ability to stay present in therapy (minimal dissociation)

How do I start?

If you or your primary therapist feel Adjunct EMDR therapy would be beneficial to help move treatment forward, you may request a free 15-minute consultation.

Get Started

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